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West Bend

Letter to the Editor | Local elections need your participation; vote on April 2 | By Jody Geenen

March 22, 2024 – Washington Co, WI – It is imperative that we vote in local elections. The outcome directly affects every resident. If you’re concerned about roads, safety, illegal immigration, taxes, whether we have a Constitution in the future, etc., you need to vote.

In response to a recent letter to the editor supporting Sonal Ramani for West Bend School District School Board, I am extremely surprised and dismayed. I have known the author to be a conservative in the past, but all he had to do to know that Sonal Ramini is a staunch liberal teachers’ union pick is to peruse her Facebook campaign page where she sings praises to John Torinus and boldly promotes “inclusivity” (the “I” in DIE, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, aka CRT aka Critical Race Indoctrination, which is killing race relations and objective truth in our country).

Instead, true conservatives should be publicly supporting Bill Schulz and Chris Jenkins for West Bend School District School Board.

For those who like to elect true conservatives in races where candidates are not running

Tracy Pawlak and Tom Barney, Germantown
Terrence Perfect, HJ1
Nolan Jackett and Heather Barrie, HUHS
Bill Brewer, Slinger
Bill Schultz and Chris Jenkins, West Bend

Marietta Bailey, District 2
Linda Gurath, District 5

John Butschlick, District 1
Vinney Pheng, District 5
Bill Schmidt, District 7

REFERENDUM QUESTIONS regarding Zuckerbucks — vote YES for both

Early in-person voting is in full swing.

Election Day is Tuesday, April 2. Please vote.

Jody Geenen, West Bend, WI



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All letters to the editor for the April 2, 2024, Spring election must be submitted by the business deadline of March 24, 2024.

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