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Letter to the Editor | Support HJR 136/SJR 75 related to new emissions standards | Rep. Rick Gundrum

Washington Co., WI – As members of the Wisconsin State Legislature, we urge your support of House Joint Resolution 136 and Senate Joint Resolution 75, “providing for disapproval under Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) relating to ‘Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium Duty Vehicles.’”
The final rule issued by the EPA will have long lasting and disastrous effects for Wisconsinites.


With a target of up to 56% of new light-duty and 32% of medium-duty vehicles produced between 2030 and 2032 to be electric vehicles, auto manufacturers will need to make significant investments into the required manufacturing infrastructure to meet this mandate.

This investment will take away key resources for the production of regular gas-powered vehicles, as well as electric hybrid vehicles, leading to fewer and more expensive options for consumers.

Electric vehicles are significantly more expensive than their gas-powered and hybrid counterparts. With inflation already straining households across the U.S., this mandate is out of touch with average Americans, including our shared constituents.

Wisconsin is not a suitable environment for mass electric vehicle usage. Our cold winters
significantly decrease the range and power of electric vehicles. Additionally, many electric
vehicles do not heat themselves with electricity, rather, they must be equipped with a generator that runs on petroleum-based fuels. One example of this is the new electric school busses entering the market. They are equipped with a diesel generator to heat the interior, thus rendering moot the “zero-carbon” goal.

The Alliance for Consumers (AFC) states in its comment opposing the rule, “Make no mistake, this is a proposal to forcibly remove from the market a majority of the cars that everyday consumers currently buy and use.” The AFC goes on to say, “The current EPA proposal is an unlawful EV mandate masquerading as a tailpipe regulation.” This is one of many comments opposing this rule. Others object to the rapid implementation of this mandate, and others are rightfully concerned about the dependence on China for the materials used in electric vehicle batteries. It is clear that the EPA did not do its due diligence before finalizing this rule.


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