39.3 F
West Bend

East Side Downton Riverwalk – Veterans Avenue Closure

Sept. 17, 2018 – West Bend, WI – Veterans Avenue from E. Washington Street/STH 33 to Water Street will be closed to all traffic beginning Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2018 until approximately mid-November 2018 for construction of the east side Downtown Riverwalk.

Motorists will be detoured to Indiana Avenue during this closure and those wishing to access the Museum of Wisconsin Art are to use the southernmost entrance located at the roundabout intersection of Water Street and Veterans Avenue.

Janke General Contractors will continue work efforts which include removal and replacement of the river wall and pedestrian bridge; installation of retaining walls; installation of concrete sidewalk and handicap access ramps; and restoration of disturbed areas.

Motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists are reminded to abide by all traffic control signs and devices as well as be aware of ongoing construction activities. Alternate routes should be planned to avoid construction whenever possible.


On a side note: The timetable to reopen 18th Avenue is still mid-October.

American Commercial Real Estate

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