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Drunk driver strikes fire truck in neighboring Fond Du Lac County | By Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt

July 8, 2022 – Fond Du Lac County, WI – On July 2, 2022, at 10:40 p.m., a suspected drunk driver struck the rear of an Eldorado Fire Department fire truck that was parked at an emergency scene on Interstate 41 near Townline Rd.


Emergency vehicles were on scene for a crash involving a tractor-trailer that rear ended a tree service truck, resulting in debris in both the median and right lane and shoulder.

There was plenty of room for traffic to safely pass through the emergency scene, as did hundreds of other vehicles, however impairment due to drunk driving can lead to tragic circumstances and puts everyone at risk.

Thankfully this driver did not injure or kill the emergency responders at the scene, and did not suffer significant injuries himself from rear ending the fire truck.

The 49-year-old Brookfield man was arrested for first offense operating while intoxicated and recklessly endangering safety. Slow down, give emergency workers plenty of room, and never drive while intoxicated in order to keep everyone safe on our highways.

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