43.3 F
West Bend

Drive-thru voting underway in the Town of West Bend

Town of West Bend, WI – Drive-thru voting is underway in the Town of West Bend. Poll workers are staffing the in-person absentee voting station using the town’s recycling center garage as its headquarters and ballot collection point.


Drive-thru voting Town of West Bend

Town clerk Julie Ihlenfeld said the setup is working pretty slick. “It went pretty well today, Tuesday, so we’re going to do it again tomorrow,” she said.

Vehicle in drive-thru voting in Town of West Bend

The Town of West Bend is encouraging people to absentee vote by mail. “We are getting so many requests every day; we’re just trying to manage everything,” said Ihlenfeld.

“We had 20 cars the first hour in the drive-thru, I’m not sure what number we’re at now,” she said.

Town of West Bend drive-thru

“I just talked to a lady on the phone and she was going to go tell her neighbors. It seems like a safer option and we will gladly take absentee requests and send them out by mail.”

Below is one of four sample ballots for the Town of West Bend.








Ihlenfeld said the in-person absentee will be held again next week in the Town of West Bend, depending on staffing.

As of Tuesday, March 24 people will still be able to vote in person on Election Day, Tuesday, April 7, 2020 from 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.  Ihlenfeld said people should stay tuned and check the town’s webpage for updated information.

The hours listed below are subject to change. Please check the Town’s webpage (CLICK HERE) for updated information.

Town of West Bend voting


Town of West Bend ballot


Town of West Bend ballot


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