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VIDEO | Make plans to attend the Draft Horse Pull on July 26 at the Washington County Fair

Washington Co., WI – Mark your calendars for 7 p.m. on July 26, 2023 and the annual Draft Horse Pull at the show arena at the Washington County Fair. There will be plenty of excitement as teams of horses work to pull over 3,000 pounds to the goal of 27-feet six inches.

The 2022 live broadcast of the event was a hoot as cohost Calab Knuth, 6, and his brother Isaac, 3, of Germantown fille us in with their banter on fondness for horses (2:54), their love of cheese and crackers (5:36), and things went a little sideways when they had to leave to go home and take a bath) (7:20. The horse-pull competition was great too.

Commentators for Draft Horse Pull – Caleb and Isaac

Click HERE for the Wednesday, July 26 schedule at the Washington County Fair


The middle class the top finisher in 2022 was Dean Heckathorn with his team Chief /Hank and they pulled a distance of 21-feet 10 inches at 3,450 pounds.

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Second place was Kenny Markham with his team of George/Opie and they pulled a distance of 17-feet and 9 inches at 3,450 pounds.

Third place was Jerry Haberkorn with team Bill/Pete and they pulled 25-feet 1 inches at a weight of 3,250.

Draft horse pull
Draft horse pull at Washington County Fair

Fourth place was Dean Heckathorn and Nathan Griffin with team King/Mose and they pulled a distance of 23-feet and 10 inches at 3,250 pounds.

Fifth place went to Todd Skinkis with team Rock/Abe and they pulled a distance of 16-feet and 5 inches at a weight of 3,250 pounds.

Draft horse pull
Draft horse pull at Washington County Fair

Sixth place went to Mike Kohn with Buster/Harley and they pulled 6-feet 6 inches at a weight of 3,250 pounds.

The loads were 2500, 2750, 3000, 3250, and 3450.

The Heavy Class results are below:

The Heavy Class top finisher was Zibell/Johnson and Jay Bowe with their team of Tug/Merle who pulled 27-feet 6 inches at a weight of 3,750 pounds.

Second place went to Zibell/Lowrey and Jim Lowrey with their team Tater/Bill who pulled 8 feet at 3,750 pounds.

Third place went to Jerry Haberkorn and his team Andy/Dick with a pull of 25-feet and 6 inches at 3,250 pounds.

Fourth place in the Heavy Class went to Kenny Markham and Justin with team Paycheck/Blaze at a distance of 15-feet and 10 inches at 3,250 pounds.

Fifth place to Willard Kohn with team Cash/Babe at 12-feet and 2 inches at a weight of 3,250 pounds.

Thanks to Vickie and horsepull.com for their assistance.


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