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UPDATE: Names released in double fatality accident in neighboring Dodge County | By Dodge County Sheriff

UPDATE: July 15, 2018 – Dodge County, WI – The female driver of the eastbound passenger car was identified as 21 year old Kaley Gray, from Waterloo.

The westbound pickup was operated by 28 year old Jose Perez-Martinez, also from Waterloo.

The crash remains under investigation.  Operating left of center while failing to negotiate a curve led to the crash.  Impairment due to alcohol is being investigated as a possible factor, but a determination to that will not be made until testing by the Medical Examiner’s Office is complete which may take several weeks.

July 13, 2018 – Dodge County, WI – The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a traffic crash involving two vehicle and two fatalities.

At 4 p.m. on Friday, July 13, 2018, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office took reports of a two-vehicle, head-on traffic crash on State Highway 19 near North St. in the Township of Portland, or about 1 mile east of Waterloo.

The crash involved an eastbound passenger car and a westbound pickup truck.  Each vehicle was occupied only by a driver, both of which were pronounced dead at the scene.  The highway was closed for about 3 hours during the investigation.  The factors involved in the crash are still under investigation and the identities of those involved will not be released for at least 24 hours.

The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office was assisted at the crash by the Waterloo Police Department, Waterloo Fire and EMS, Watertown EMS, Dodge County Sheriff Chaplain, Dodge County Medical Examiner, DCERT, UW Medflight, and the Dodge County Sheriff Crash Investigation Team (CIT).

Questions may be directed to Sheriff Dale J Schmidt.


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