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Don Pridemore to remain on February primary ballot for race in State Senate District 13

January 15, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – On a vote of 6 – 0 the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) cast a decision Friday afternoon, January 15, 2021 that Don Pridemore of Hartford would remain on the February 16, 2021 primary election ballot for State Senate District 13.

Don Pridemore


There had been a challenge made by Steven Hepp, received Monday, January 11, 2021, questioning Pridemore’s residence listed on his nomination paperwork.

The address is 459 Abbot Avenue, Hartford. That address is also the primary residence of Hartford Mayor Tim Michalak and his wife Annemarie.

Neither Hepp, who made the challenge, nor Pridemore appeared during the Zoom meeting.

After brief discussion the WEC quickly voted to dismiss the challenge.

Reid Magney is public information officer with the Wisconsin Elections Commission. He said as far as candidate residency, “You don’t have to be a resident of the district in order to run. If you win you have to be a resident of the district 28 days before you take the oath of office.”

There are six candidates running for State Senate District 13.

Candidates include:

  • John Jagler, state representative
  • Don Pridemore, former state representative current Hartford Joint 1 School Board member
  • Todd Menzel, businessman
  • Melissa Winker, teacher and candidate for Assembly District 38 in 2018 and 2020.
  • Ben Schmitz, businessman and National Guard officer
  • Spencer Zimmerman, a resident of Janesville who has hopscotched across the state running for multiple open political seats.

On a side note: WISN radio talk show host Mark Belling took up the State Senate Dist. 13 topic on Thursday and indicated he spoke with candidate John Jagler about the challenge to Pridemore. Belling asked Jagler if he had anything to do with the challenge and did not get a response.  Listen HERE – the meat of the topic starts at the 37-minute mark.

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