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Dodge County announces 2022 host for June Dairy Brunch | By Dodge Co. Dairy Promotions

Dodge Co., WI – Dodge County Diary Promotions has announced this year’s host family for the 2022 Dodge County Dairy Brunch will be Kuhlman Farms of Horicon.

Dodge Dairy Brunch
In December of 1965, Roy and Thirza Kuhlman purchased the farm just east of Horicon. During the years all five kids (Sandy, Laura, Linda, Mark and Amy) helped out on the farm. In 2009, Mark purchased the farm from Roy and Thirza.

Mark and his wife Stephanie are currently milking 80 head of cattle and working 800 acres of crops. Mark’s sister Sandy helps with the feeding of the calves each day and Mark’s sister Linda and Stephanie’s son Cody also help out with the calves and other chores. In addition to family, Ron Billings is the full time hired man.

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Morgan Billings, Neil Luebke, Melanie Millikin, Lexi Voigt and Bella Kraus all help out as part-time milkers.

The Kuhlman family is no stranger to the Dairy Promotion Committee. Roy was one of the original members of our committee and both Roy and Thirza held several officer positions. Sandy is also involved on the committee and is our current Treasurer.

Mark and Stephanie are looking forward to you coming out to enjoy the Dodge County Dairy Brunch on Sunday, June 5, 2022.

Photo courtesy the Kuhlman family.

cows, breakfast, farm

The annual Washington County Breakfast on the Farm will be announced later this month.

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