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DMV Road Test Waiver pilot program to end December 31, 2023 | By WI DMV

Washington Co., WI – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) said its Road Test Waiver pilot program will end December 31, 2023.

As of January 1, 2024, those under 18 years old will need to complete an in-person road test at DMVs which offer this service to obtain their probationary license. Appointments for a road test can be scheduled 11 weeks in advance at wisconsindmv.gov/roadtest.


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Student drivers ages 16 and 17 who have completed their required driver education course, behind-the-wheel training, and 50 hours of supervised driving may apply for the road test waiver through December 31, 2023.

The Road Test Waiver Pilot program began in May 2020, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. DMV is authorized to introduce pilot programs, but legislative action would need to take place to make such programs permanent.

As part of the pilot, DMV tracked potential safety implications and found no negative effect on driver safety. Through August 31, 2023, 144,082 parents/guardians of 16- and 17-year-old drivers utilized the road test waiver.

“Wisconsin DMV launched this innovative pilot program to continue to meet our customers’ needs as we all faced tremendous challenges during the pandemic,” Reggie Paradowski, deputy DMV administrator said. “We will continue to develop online services to provide greater convenience and efficiency for our customers.”

Skills test appointment availability

To manage staffing and services, the appointment calendar opens day-by-day for scheduling up to 11 weeks prior. This means, for example, the first opportunity to schedule a road test appointment in the new year opens on October 17. Drivers hoping for a road test on a specific date will have to wait until 11 weeks before that date to schedule their appointment. Additional appointments are routinely added with peak availability four weeks prior to the testing date.

As more customers return to complete in-person DMV services, extra time may be necessary when visiting. Faster, convenient service is available 24/7 online at wisconsindmv.gov. Customers needing to visit a DMV service center for driver’s licenses or identification card services may be eligible to expedite their service by submitting their application online and scheduling an appointment online. All vehicle-related services can be completed online.

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