Washington Co., WI – If you are looking for an easy beeswax wraps recipe, here’s an eco-friendly one to get started. This beeswax wraps DIY is a great project for the family and make excellent gifts.

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Long-term studies of the persistence of plastics in the environment have made it very clear that we must either recycle or avoid as much plastic use as we can and in many ways, the switch is easy. In the kitchen, glass and ceramic containers not only reduce plastic usage but also minimize exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates — and they’re less easily stained by foods, particularly the curries I love to cook.
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Washington County Fair Park
September 16 – 17, 2023
Metal and wooden utensils last longer than plastic ones. Plastic wrap, unfortunately, is hard to replace. Few materials are as lightweight and flexible, let alone impermeable enough to protect foods from drying out in a fridge or on the counter.
DIY Reusable Food Wraps
To solve this problem, many people have turned to fabric wraps soaked in beeswax mixtures, which allow the fabric to remain flexible while making it tacky enough to cling to dishes. The beeswax coating also makes cleanup easier, because sauces and drippy foods can’t soak into the fabric.
Click HERE to read more about making your own eco-friendly beeswax wraps.