25.2 F
West Bend

Details released on Morrie’s West Bend Honda



April 10, 2018 – West Bend, WI – This week the West Bend Plan Commission will review details on the new Morrie’s West Bend Honda dealership. The project will consist of a new ground up two-story structure approximately 35,000 square foot footprint that will contain office, retail showroom, architectural display elements, and service facilities.

Bullet points from tonight’s meeting are below followed by a full narrative:

-Morrie’s new Honda facility will create approximately 60 new good paying jobs in the community.



Location: Southwest corner of Hwy 33 & Scenic Drive W

Applicant: FPH Morries RE, LLC


Zoning: B-4,P-1,FPW

Proposal: This project is requesting new construction of a light motor vehicle sales and service facility (HONDA) to be constructed on an existing vacant property.

Morries Automotive group was awarded a new Honda dealership point by Honda Motor Company. The project will consist of a new ground up two-story structure approximately 35,000 square foot footprint that will contain office, retail showroom, architectural display elements, and service facilities. There will also be exterior landscaped display areas for vehicles. Adequate parking will be provided for new car inventory, used car inventory, customers, employees, service vehicles, and loaners. All parking for the dealership will be will be on-site.

The exterior of the building will be modern looking, with the use of large clear curtain wall window systems and a clear entry way for customers. Exterior materials include ACM, masonry and glass curtain wall.

Operations: Hours of operation for sales, service, and maintenance will be from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday. Vehicles will not be displayed with hoods or truck lids up, or doors open, nor will they be displayed on ramps or moving platforms. On-site security techniques will include, but are not limited to, lighting, low landscape, and surveillance cameras. Parts and vehicle deliveries will take place daily with multiple parts deliveries per day. Trucks will vary in size depending on the type of delivery; however range from full 53’ trailer trucks to box trucks, and vans. Customer activity on site ranges by time of year, days of week and times of day. Typically 10-30 customers could be present on-site for sales and service at any single time. A traffic study has been completed and included with the conditional use permit application for review.


Growth: Morrie’s new Honda facility will create approximately 60 new good paying jobs in the community. Morrie’s will strive to for continued business growth and is taking growth into account with the current building design. Should sales and service business require future expansion to the existing facility open space around the building will accommodate for this.

Company: Morrie’s automotive group’s philosophy is to make people’s lives better through work. To make customers happier, and our communities better by providing MORRIE’S WEST BEND HONDA

moments of “Happy”, because Happiness Matters. At Morrie’s, it’s all about the experience. Whether that’s buying, selling, or servicing, we’re committed to providing the customer with the best automotive experience possible. Ultimately, that’s what a dealership’s reputation is based upon – and that’s what has set Morrie’s Automotive Group apart. Currently Morrie’s owns and operates dealerships in 17 locations with over 1000 employees.


& Screening: There will be code required landscaping on the perimeter of the site and on the interior of the site, all in conformance with the City of West Bend standards.

Signage: Building signage will be individually internally illuminated, plastic faced light bar, metal sided letters. Building and directional signage will be submitted at a later date for staff review and approval. One monument sign will be added to the site.

Lighting: Lighting will be in conformance with City of West Bend Codes. Lighting will be LED on poles with concrete bases.


Land Use: Similar automotive uses are adjacent to this proposed site to the north and east. The space to the west of the site is current wetland and we are proposing P-1 zoning to the South.

Permits/Licenses: A general fill permit has been obtained through the Wisconsin DNR to fill a pocket wetland area in the northeast corner of the site to accommodate the current site plan. Wisconsin DSPS building submittals will be obtained prior to construction. A dealer license will be applied through the State of Wisconsin.

Hazards: We do not feel there will be any negative impacts on neighboring properties due to noise, dust, odors, hazards, or lighting. The car wash will have a dryer component but is not located near any existing development. All lighting will comply with City requirements. No hazardous materials will be stored onsite that exceed NFPA requirements.

Traffic Impacts: Please refer to site plan for proposed driveway locations and delivery locations. A traffic study is also included with the conditional use application.

Shoreland Zoning: The project will entail grading near the shoreland zoning. We have obtained a wetland fill permit to fill 0.06 acres of wetland (refer to DNR approval attached) for the wetland in the northeast corner of the property, and have met or exceeded all other wetland setback requirements. Shoreland disturbance for the project is estimated at 22,942 square feet. Lot sizes comply with Chapter 23 of Washington County Code. Refer to grading plan of improvements within wetland/shoreland areas.

Calculations indicate a 22,662 cubic yard cut and 25,193 cubic yard fill.

Planting: Plant material that could possibly be located in the shoreland area would be the list that is on the planting schedule on sheet L4. There are a couple of trees and a planting bed that contains shrubs and perennials which is still preliminary without specific plants specified. Trees include the swamp white oak and the Ginkgo tree. Seeding of the new property willconsist of fescue bled turf grass for the mail grass areas around the perimeter of MORRIE’S WEST BEND HONDA

the site. A rainwater renewal grass mix will be used in the infiltration pond areas. (refer to attached pdf for list of plants and grasses in the mix). Planting is assumed to take place in the fall of 2018 with hay mats used to stabilize the disturbed area during construction. Impacts or effects on water quality caused by disturbing the shoreland areas is minimal with the erosion control measures designed, refer to drawings for additional information on EC design.

February 16, 2018 GP-SE-2018-67-00332

FPH Morries RE, LLC

Lynn Robson

12520 Wayzata Boulevard

Minnetonka, MN 55305

RE: Coverage under the wetland statewide general permit for wetland fill or disturbance for residential, commercial, or industrial development, located in the City of West Bend, Washington County, also described as being in the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 16, Township 11 North, Range 19 East.

Dear Ms. Robson:

Thank you for submitting an application for coverage under the wetland statewide general permit for wetland fill or disturbance for residential, commercial, or industrial development, s. 281.36, Wis. Stats.

You have certified that your project meets the eligibility criteria and conditions for this activity. Based upon your signed certification you may proceed with your project to fill 0.06 acres of wetlands. Please take this time to re-read the permit eligibility standards and conditions. The eligibility standards can be found on your application checklist or in the statewide general permit WDNR-GP1-2017 (found at http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/waterways/construction/wetlands.html). The permit conditions are attached to this letter. You are responsible for meeting all general permit eligibility standards and permit conditions. This includes notifying the Department before starting the project, and submitting photographs within one week of project completion. Please note your coverage is valid for 5 years from the date of the department’s determination or until the activity is completed, whichever occurs first. This permit coverage constitutes the state of Wisconsin’s wetland water quality certification under USCS s. 1341 (Clean Water Act s. 401).

The Department conducts routine and annual compliance monitoring inspections. Our staff may follow up and inspect your project to verify compliance with state statutes and codes. If you need to modify your project please contact your local Water Management Specialist, Elaine Johnson at (262) 574-2136 or email Elaine.Johnson@wisconsin.gov to discuss your proposed modifications.

The Department of Natural Resources appreciates your willingness to comply with wetland regulations, which help to protect the water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, natural scenic beauty and recreational value of Wisconsin’s wetland resources for future generations. Please be sure to obtain any other local, state or federal permits that are required before starting your project.

State of Wisconsin


Waukesha Service Center 141 NW Barstow, Room 180 Waukesha, WI 53188

wisconsin.gov Printed on Recycled Paper dnr.wi.gov

Scott Walker, Governor Daniel L. Meyer, Secretary

Telephone 608-266-2621

Toll Free 1-888-936-7463

TTY Access via relay – 711

If you have any questions, please call me at (262) 574-2136 or email Elaine.Johnson@wisconsin.gov.


Elaine Johnson

Water Management Specialist

cc: April Marcangeli, Project Manager, (651) 290-5731, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Aaron Koch & Erin Maki, Pinnacle Engineering Group

City of West Bend

Washington County

WDNR-GP1-2017 Permit Conditions – Residential/Commercial/Industrial

You agree to comply with the following conditions:






1. Application. You shall submit a complete application package to the Department as outlined in the application materials and section 2 of this permit. If requested, you shall furnish the Department, within a reasonable timeframe, any information the department needs to verify compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit.

2. Certification. Acceptance of general permit WDNR-GP1-2017 and efforts to begin work on the activities authorized by this general permit signifies that you have certified the project meets all eligibility standards outlined in Section 1 of this permit and that you have read, understood and have agreed to follow all terms and conditions of this general permit.

3. Reliance on Applicant’s Data. The determination by this office that a confirmation of authorization is not contrary to wetland water quality standards will be based upon the information provided by the applicant and any other information required by the DNR.

4. Project Plans. This permit does not authorize any work other than what is specifically described in the notification package and plans submitted to the Department and you certified is in compliance with the terms and conditions of WDNR-GP1-2017

5. Expiration. This WDNR-GP1-2017 expires on October 31, 2022. The time limit for completing work authorized by the provisions of WDNR-GP1-2017 ends 5 years after the date on which the discharge is considered to be authorized under WDNR-GP1-2017 or until the discharge is completed, whichever occurs first.

6. Other Permit Requirements. You are responsible for obtaining any other permit or approval that may be required for your project by local zoning ordinances, other local authority, other state permits and by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before starting your project.

7. Authorization Distribution. You must supply a copy of the permit coverage authorization to every contractor working on the project.

8. Project Start. You shall notify the Department before starting construction.

9. Permit Posting. You must post a copy of this permit coverage letter at a conspicuous location on the project site prior to the execution of the permitted activity, and remaining at least five days after stabilization of the area of permitted activity. You must also have a copy of the permit coverage letter and approved plan available at the project site at all times until the project is complete.

10. Permit Compliance. The department may modify or revoke coverage of this permit if the project is not constructed in compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, or if the Department determines the project will be detrimental to wetland water quality standards. Any act of noncompliance with this permit constitutes a permit violation and is grounds for enforcement action. Additionally, if any applicable conditions of this permit are found to be invalid or unenforceable, authorization for all activities to which that condition applies is denied.

11. Construction Timing. Once wetland work commences, all wetland construction activities must be continuous until the permitted activity is completed and the site is stabilized.

12. Construction. No other portion of the wetland may be disturbed beyond the area designated in the submitted plans.

13. Project Completion. Within one week of completion of the regulated activity, you shall submit to the Department a statement certifying the project is in compliance with all the terms and conditions of this permit, and photographs of the activities authorized by this permit. This statement must reference the Department-issued docket number, and be submitted to the Department staff member that authorized coverage.

14. Proper Maintenance. You must maintain the activity authorized by WDNR-GP1-2017 in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit utilizing best management practices. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained to ensure no additional impacts to the remaining wetlands.

15. Site Access. Upon reasonable notice, you shall allow access to the site to any Department employee who is investigating the project’s construction, operation, maintenance or permit compliance with the terms and conditions of WDNR-GP1-2017 and applicable laws.

16. Erosion and siltation controls. The project site shall implement erosion and sediment control measures that adequately control or prevent erosion, and prevent damage to wetlands as outlined in NR 151.11(6m), Wis. Adm. Code.

17. Equipment use. The equipment used in the wetlands must be low ground weight equipment as specified by the manufacturer specifications.

18. Invasive Species. All project equipment shall be decontaminated for removal of invasive species prior to and after each use on the project site by utilizing other best management practices to avoid the spread of invasive species as outlined in NR 40, Wis. Adm. Code. For more information, refer to http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Invasives/bmp.html.

19. Federal and State Threatened and Endangered Species. WDNR-GP1-2017 does not affect the DNR’s responsibility to insure that all authorizations comply with Section 7 of the Federal Endangered Species Act, s. 29.604, Wis. Stats and applicable State Laws. No DNR authorization under this permit will be granted for projects found not to comply with these Acts/laws. No activity is authorized which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act and/or State law or which is likely to destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of a species as identified under the Federal Endangered Species Act.

20. Special Concern Species. If the Wisconsin National Heritage Inventory lists a known special concern species to be present in the project area you will take reasonable action to prevent significant adverse impacts or to enhance the habitat for the species of concern.


21. Historic Properties and Cultural Resources. WDNR-GP1-2017 does not affect the DNR’s responsibility to insure that all authorizations comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and s. 44.40, Wis. Stats. No DNR authorization under this permit will be granted for projects found not to comply with these Acts/laws. Information on the location and existence of historic resources can be obtained from the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Register of Historic Places. If cultural, archaeological, or historical resources are unearthed during activities authorized by this permit, work must be stopped immediately and the State Historic Preservation Officer must be contacted for further instruction.

22. Preventive Measures. Measures must be adopted to prevent potential pollutants from entering a wetland or waterbody. Construction materials and debris, including fuels, oil, and other liquid substances, will not be stored in the construction area in a manner that would allow them to enter a wetland or waterbody as a result of spillage, natural runoff, or flooding. If a spill of any potential pollutant should occur, it is the responsibility of the permittee to remove such material, to minimize any contamination resulting from this spill, and to immediately notify the State Duty Officer at 1-800-943-0003.

23. Suitable fill material. All fill authorized under this permit must consist of clean suitable soil material, as defined by s. NR 500.03(214), Wis. Admin. Code, free from hazardous substances as defined by s. 289.01(11), Wis. Stats., and free from solid waste as defined by s. 289.01(11) and (33), Wis. Stats.

24. Standard for Coverage. Wetland impacts from the project will cause only minimal adverse environmental impacts as determined by the Department.

25. Transfers. Coverage under this permit is transferable to any person upon prior written approval of the transfer by the Department.

26. Limits of State Liability. In authorizing work, the State Government does not assume any liability, including for the following:

a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes.

b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the State in the public interest.

c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit.

d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work.

e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this WDNR-GP1-2017.

27. Reevaluation of Decision. The Department may suspend, modify or revoke authorization of any previously authorized activity and may take enforcement action if any of the following occur:

a. The applicant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of WDNR-GP1-2017.

b. The information provided by the applicant in support of the permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate.

c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision.





Feb. 7, 2018 – West Bend, WI – There’s a Honda car dealership coming to West Bend. It’s a story you saw first in May 2017 on WashingtonCountyInsider.com

A vote was taken Tuesday on annexation of property from the Town of West Bend so development can move forward on a new Honda location.

Karl Schmidt, CEO with Morrie’s Automotive Group of Minneapolis, was officially awarded “the point” for the Honda dealership in April 2017.

Shortly thereafter Schmidt flew to West Bend to scout a location for the new store. “Honda of West Bend or Morrie’s Honda” were names Schmidt batted about last year.

The property search proved a bit more challenging than first expected.

“Typically property owners are a bit opportunistic and they want twice as much as what they originally paid for their property,” he said.  “I can’t blame them.”

Schmidt finally honed in on a parcel on the west side of Highway 33 and Scenic Drive.

“I like the corner and visibility and it was kind of serendipitous because we flew into the West Bend Airport and one of the people at the airport, his family owns this land,” he said of the Devenport family.

The past few months have been filled with working with the Wisconsin Conservation Congress and the Department of Natural Resources.

Parcel drawing not to scale

City administrator Jay Shambeau said the annexation is necessary so the property can hook up the utilities, like sewer and water.

“This is a 40-acre property involved in the attachment and it’s part of the boundary agreement with the Town of West Bend,” said Shambeau. “Upon request that land has to be annexed to the city of West Bend.”

The property is currently owned by Devenport Family Limited Partnership #1.

According to Washington County the parcel was purchased in 1988 by Douglas Devenport. In 1996 it was transferred to Craig Devenport and the Devenport Family Limited Partnership #1.

The 2017 assessment is for two parcels. One is 37.2 acres and its assessed value is $217,700. The second, much smaller parcel closer to the Highway is about a 3-acre strip valued at $7,700.

Morrie’s Auto representative Lynn Robson said construction will start as soon as the property sale and licensing is complete.

Schmidt said, moving forward, the design is pretty straight forward and hopefully they can break ground in a couple months.

“We’re already in the process of designing the building with a manufacturer and what we’re really working through right now is the annexation and being able to proceed,” he said.

Schmidt expects to start building in late spring or early summer.

“We’d like to be open yet this year,” he said. “We’ll see how the plan goes.”





The new Honda dealership will be full service; carrying new and used vehicles, parts and service.

“We’ll bring 60 to 70 new jobs, which is exciting for the area and for us,” said Schmidt. “We love the Wisconsin market and hope to be a good partner in the area and do well.”

On a side note:

-Morrie’s has a Mazda store between Chippewa Falls and Eau Claire. “We do very well and it’s one of our highest performing stores,” said Schmidt.









– The closest Honda dealership is 91st and Brown Deer Road in Milwaukee. There’s also a dealership in Appleton and Sheboygan.

-Karl Schmidt is originally from Galesville, Wisconsin. His father still lives on the dairy farm and he has a sister in Cedarburg.

– Morrie’s Auto Group has a variety of brands including Hyundai, Nissan, Lincoln, Cadillac, three Mazda stores, two Subaru stores, and two Ford stores, Maserati, Aston Martin and it just acquired Honda. Morrie’s also has a luxury line called Genesis.

– Schmidt’s review of Honda.  “Honda is one of the brands we’ve always kind of coveted and it fits how we do business. Honda has a really good loyal customer base, they’re consistent in their product development and they’re economical and safe.  The people are great organizationally at Honda. They do a nice job and the stores are well run across the country.  The stores are profitable and the biggest driver to us is we can better serve our customers.”

-Morrie’s Automotive Group started as a family business by Morrie Wagener in the early 1960s. Wagener worked with imports in the Twin Cities area and over the years acquired different franchises and built the business. Schmidt started with the company in 1988. In 2016 Wagener sold the business to Schmidt and New York-based investment firm Fremont Private Holdings out of San Francisco.


DQ Blizzard


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