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Deputy has firearm pointed at him while responding to noise complaint | By Washington Co. Sheriff

May 6, 2024 – Washington Co. – On Saturday at 11:05 p.m., a Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to a residence in the Town of Farmington for a loud music complaint. As the deputy arrived, he observed a bonfire in the backyard and heard loud music playing.
As the deputy exited his squad and began walking up the driveway, a 23-year-old male resident rounded the corner of the residence and illuminated the deputy with what the deputy initially thought was a flashlight.
The fully uniformed deputy identified himself as a law enforcement officer and the individual continued to approach him with the light activated.
The deputy then realized the illumination was coming from a weapon-mounted flashlight and drew his service weapon while advising the subject to put the weapon down. The individual complied immediately. The individual justified his actions to the deputy saying he did not know he was a law enforcement officer, and it was uncommon for law enforcement to be present in the area.
While speaking with the subject the officer noticed signs of impairment. The individual failed several field sobriety tests including a preliminary breath test of .179. The subject was arrested for Possession of a Firearm While Intoxicated in accordance with Wisconsin State Statue 941.20(1)(b).
The weapon was determined to be a loaded 10-mm handgun.

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