41.3 F
West Bend

Dennis Degenhardt to announce his candidacy for the 58th Assembly District


April 20, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – Dennis Degenhardt is scheduled to announce his candidacy for the 58th Assembly District on April 26.

There is a Partisan Primary on Tuesday, Aug. 14 and the General Election is Tuesday, Nov. 6.

According to Degenhardt’s social media page: Join us for the Fall 2018 Campaign Kick-off at The Slinger House. We Won West Bend in the Special Election Now it’s Time to Win All of the 58th Assembly District. Thursday April 26 in Slinger, WI  5:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Food, drink, speeches and great Blue Wave conversations. More details and special quest announcements to follow, soon!


During the last Special Election, Rep. Rick Gundrum won the seat left vacant following the death of Rep. Bob Gannon.

Rep. Gundrum is currently serving a 1-year term.

So far, neither candidate has officially filed papers. Click HERE to see the other races across the state.



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