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VIDEO | Denim ‘n Grace introduce horses to students across Washington County

October 28, 2021 – Slinger, WI – The principal at Slinger Elementary was on the run this week as students cheered a cowboy on horseback who roped him with a lasso.

That was just a small part of the show by Denim ‘n Grace, a Kewaskum-based horse drill team that has taken its show on the road with the intent of introducing students to horses.

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“We’re doing a show to promote kindness towards animals and the sport of horsemanship and horseback riding and help kids see what this is about because not everyone has this opportunity,” said Rachelle LeJeune with Denim ‘n Grace.

Denim 'n Grace

Students from Slinger Elementary circled the grassy field behind the school and watched as the ladies trotted out their horses and put them through their paces racing around barrels, balancing atop their horses and fielding student questions.

“It’s our pleasure to share our horses and talents with kids,” said LeJeune. “We’re all blessed to have grown up with horses and love sharing the magic of these magnificent animals with others. It’s an opportunity we hope everyone can experience, as horses have a way of touching hearts and impacting lives.”

Denim ‘n Grace team members include Rachelle LeJeune, Cherisse Dougherty, Becky Krueger, Katelyn Otten. Roper – Justin Krueger (married to Becky Krueger)

The team holds practice at Justin and Becky Krueger’s farm.

Denim n' Grace

The horse drill team is passionate about its project. LeJeune said she and her twin sister were inspired by Kenny Smith.

“He was fondly known to the community as Cowboy Kenny,” said LeJeune. “He passed away two years ago (you may remember his story, as it was all over the news because he passed out while out caring for his horses and got terrible frostbite) but we both have one of his dearly beloved horses who we ride on drill team. Henry and Diesel (my horse and the big grey horse) were Kenny’s. We like to think we’re continuing to share his kindness and gift to us of horsemanship by sharing his (now our) horses with others.”

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