35.8 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Demolition underway of old Matrix Title building in West Bend

September 29, 2020 – West Bend, WI – The demolition crew from BMCI got to work early Tuesday, September 29 working to level the old Matrix Title building, 2356 W. Washington Street, in West Bend.

Although the water has yet to be turned off the demolition crew started digging on the north side of the building.

Because this is a cement block building it is expected to take the rest of the week to complete the demolition.
Matrix Title has moved about a half block to the west and is operating out of the former National Exchange Bank building, 2412 W. Washington Street.

It was March 2020 when the West Bend Plan Commission approved development of a new Taco Bell at the former home of Matrix Title..

Taco Bell

The current building will be razed and a new 1,763-square-foot restaurant will be constructed. The new restaurant will feature a drive thru, concrete patio with decorative fence and tables, more than 20 parking spots.

Taco Bell plans

According to records at City Hall the property used to be owned by Bridgeman Foods. The building permit dates to November 20, 1985.

Bridgeman Foods used to be the company owned by former Milwaukee Bucks forward Junior Bridgeman. According to the Milwaukee Business Journal, he sold out his restaurant franchise, including Wendy’s, in 2016 and became a distributor for Coca Cola.

Former Wendy's restaurant in West Bend

When that property on Highway 33 was a Wendy’s there may have been some Milwaukee Buck’s memorabilia on the wall of the restaurant.

The building sold in 1992 for $315,000 to St. Francis Bank. In 1997 the bank sold for $390,000.

PNC Bank

At one point PNC Bank was located at that site.

In June 2014, John Rehman from Matrix Title Co. purchased the former PNC Bank building, 2356 West Washington Street.

demolition soon for the old Matrix Title


Word that a second Taco Bell was opening in West Bend has been met with some speculation by neighbors in the community, since the fast food outlet currently on S. Main has locked its doors during the noon hour and operated solely through the drive thru. Management has said it’s because of a staffing shortage.

Construction on the second restaurant is expected to get underway this year.


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