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West Bend

Dedication of renovated Grotto at Holy Angels Parish is Saturday, August 12, 2023 | By Holy Angels Catholic Church

West Bend, WI – A few months ago, Holy Angels Catholic Church, 138 N. Eighth St., West Bend, WI, posted information about its Grotto project. The Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary has been in place since the late 1950s. It’s been hard to access and hidden…until now.


Last fall the parish maintenance team tore up the lawn and existing cement off Ninth Avenue to fix underground pipes to stop water from flooding the church basement. This fix seems to have done the trick.

This spring while the new cement was being poured Rev. Howard ok’d a cement walkway to the Grotto. Marv Wolf and John Butschlick took time to landscape, cut back ivy, and clean up the area. They also put in two benches and a new light.

Now that the work is complete, Rev.  Howard will lead a Blessing and Rededication of the Grotto on Saturday, August 12, 2023, after the 4 p.m. Mass. The blessing will take place outside at the Grotto.

All are welcome to attend.

You can access the Grotto any time during the day and evening (the light goes out at about 10 p.m.). It is behind the garages on the west side of the church off Ninth Avenue.

You can either park on Eighth Avenue and follow the sidewalk between the Rectory and the Church towards Ninth Avenue, or park in the church lot and follow the sidewalk between the church and the garage.

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