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Dedicated community servant Robert Zarling from Regal Ware has died

March 6, 2019 – Kewaskum, WI – It’s with a heavy heart to report the death of Bob Zarling.

Zarling was a long-time senior vice president of sales and marketing for Regal Ware.

“I worked at Regal Ware for two year and he was just a true gentleman,” said Jerry Mehring of West Bend.

Zarling and his wife Char winter in Texas and a message was sent that Bob Zarling died Tuesday, March 5.

“That’s a devastating loss for the Kiwanis Club in Kewaskum,” said Kiwanis Club vice president Kevin Scheunemann. “He was the bedrock of our club and I have to personally thank Bob Zarling for getting me involved in Kiwanis because he was persistent and finally after eight or 10 visits he got me to join the club.”

Scheunemann described Zarling as a “tenacious recruiter” for Kiwanis in Kewaskum. “I’m still the new guy with 25 years in the club but Bob had about a half century of service in to Kiwanis. It’s a momentous loss to the club and the community.”

“My deepest sympathies to his wife and family and we’re all really saddened by the loss,” Scheunemann said.

“Tireless” was one of the words Scheunemann used to describe Zarling. “His commitment to the community was incredible from membership recruitment to fundraising, service time and the guy just made me tired by looking at him by how much he did for the club.”

Details on funeral services will be posted when information becomes available.

“Bob Zarling was a big member of the American Legion and one of the great pillars of Kewaskum and it’s a sad day for the entire community,” said Scheunemann.

“It’s unfortunate but I have confidence in Bob’s faith that he’s home with The Savior,” said Scheunemann. “I have no doubt about Bob’s Christian faith. He worked because of his faith in Christ, he didn’t do it for himself.”


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