32.2 F
West Bend

Death investigation in West Bend | By Authority: Washington County Sheriff Martin R. Schulteis

November 5, 2021 – West Bend, WI – On Friday, November 5, 2021 at 3:57 p.m., the Washington County Sheriff’s Office 911 Communications Center received a cellular 911 call from a male individual who indicated he wanted to commit suicide.
Washington County Sheriff west
The despondent caller would not provide any other details, but communication officers were able to determine the caller was outside and at a residence in the Town of Polk. Sheriff’s deputies responded to the home.
The preliminary investigation suggests two sheriff’s deputies arrived nearly simultaneously and located a male individual sitting underneath a grove of pine trees on the edge of the property, adjacent to the right-of-way. Deputies began talking to the man when one deputy observed a firearm in the man’s hand. Within moments of the deputy telling the man to drop the gun, the man tragically took his own life.
Since sheriff office personnel were on scene, and speaking with the man at the time of the incident, the sheriff’s office requested the West Bend Police Department conduct the primary investigation.
This procedure maintains transparency with the public by having an independent investigation into the facts of the case.
The sequence of events this afternoon resulted in the death of a young Washington County man. The incident illustrates the tragic consequences of mental health issues in our communities and the challenges public safety face.
Although we are not naming the victim, we ask that you keep the family in your thoughts as they grieve the loss of a loved one.
Any inquiries about the case should be directed to the West Bend Police Department as the lead investigative agency.

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