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Danika Tramburg of Richfield named Miss Wisconsin USA 2019


Sept. 9, 2018 – Richfield, WI – Danika Tramburg of Richfield has just been selected Miss Wisconsin USA 2019. A graduate of Living Word Lutheran High School in Jackson and Concordia University in Mequon.

The Miss Wisconsin USA pageant selects the representative for the state of Wisconsin to compete in the Miss USA pageant.

Tonight’s competition was held at the Fond du Lac High School Performing Arts Center.

Photo courtesy Miss Wisconsin USA

According to the Miss Wisconsin website: The contestants will compete in three, equally scored areas of competition – Interview, Evening Gown, and Swimwear/Active Wear. The winners will spend their year forging alliances with charitable organizations around the state and will advance to compete in the nationally televised 2019 Miss USA pageant on FOX.”

Miss Wisconsin USA final results:
3rd RU Natalie Hamilton
2nd RU Sophia Andries
1st RU Teaka Marie
WINNER: Danika Tramburg






Below is a portion of Tramburg’s story that appeared on Concordia University News.

Tramburg will serve as Miss Wisconsin United States for the next year, lending a helping hand to organizations that are near to her heart. One organization that Tramburg says she has already begun to partner with is the Alzheimer’s Association.

Tramburg’s grandmother, who died three years ago from the disease, was the motivation for her involvement.

“It was the effect that I saw it had on my grandfather and our family,” Tramburg said. “When you lose your mind, it’s losing a sense of who you are, so it’s really sad to see that happen.”

In addition to the Alzheimer’s Association, Tramburg says she looks forward to the other opportunities she will have to serve.

“I feel like I have been so blessed in my life,” she said. “Everything I have, it’s all a gift from God and I feel like I can show His light through me by giving back to others.”

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