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Jim Curler dedicated to ‘The Slinger Way’

November 30, 2021 – Slinger, WI – Word came quickly Monday afternoon as the Slinger School Board announced it selected Jim Curler as the new superintendent of the Slinger School District.

Jim Curler

Curler, the assistant superintendent, will be taking over for outgoing superintendent Daren Sievers. It was November 3, 2021 when Sievers announced he was stepping out for health reasons.

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School Board President Ken Strupp said the board felt Curler was well qualified for the position. “He has been in our system eight years now and we were looking at how Slinger’s got a special way of doing things with less people,” said Strupp. “Jim understands our principles, what’s going on and he knows the people.”

Board president Ken Strupp and Superintendent Sievers
Board president Ken Strupp and Superintendent Sievers

Curler has been in the Slinger School District 8 years. He started in 2014. Curler is currently earning a salary of $132,500.

Strupp said, as superintendent he will be starting at $165,000.

Questioned why the district moved quickly to fill the post, Strupp said the board wanted to beat the upcoming rush.

“The superintendent positions in the state are being voided quickly. At this time, there are 16 superintendents leaving,” he said. “We figured, it is best to get ours locked down, and then start looking for the assistant candidate.”

Strupp said the board also felt Sievers could help teach Curler the ins and outs of some of the dynamics of the job since Sievers is working through the remainder of the school year.

Sievers is exiting the district at a salary of $178,000.

Curler felt the superintendent’s position was a natural next step in his career. “Slinger has been so wonderful to me I look forward to this position and I’m grateful to the school board for offering me the opportunity,” he said.

The question Curler has faced the most is, who would want to follow in Sievers’ footsteps.

“I’ve heard that six times now since 2 p.m. when the announcement was made,” laughed Curler. “Daren has been such a wonderful friend to me and he’s within reach if I need him.”

Curler said Sievers has been a great leader. “He has great listening skills and he has patience,” said Curler. “But working with Daren I hope those qualities have rubbed off on me.”

Curler said he will bring a different personality to the position, but there won’t be any drastic changes.

One of the big things that sets Slinger apart from the other school districts is an overarching quality known as ‘The Slinger Way.’

Curler felt that message starts with relationships. “It’s the kids and the teachers, the teachers and the parents, the school district and the community,” he said. “That will not change other than working to strengthen them.”

Superintendent Daren Sievers will be stepping down after 27 years in education; the past 9 years as superintendent. Sievers will stay on in his current position through June 2022.

Slinger snowboard

On a side note: The Slinger School Board will have three seats up for election in April 2022.  The seats include Roman Weninger, Joe Havey, and Gary Geltz. Candidates can turn in nomination papers beginning December 1, 2021.

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