39.1 F
West Bend

VIDEO | New owner walks through former Culaccino Bar & Italian Kitchen

April 16, 2021 – West Bend, WI – The sale of the old Culaccino Bar, 110 Wisconsin Street, in West Bend was completed Thursday afternoon as Jeremy Hahn sealed the deal on his latest venture.

“You sign your name about six times and here we are,” said Hahn as he walked through his new Italian restaurant.

Hahn, who currently owns The Boardroom, The Inferno, and Garden Lounge, said the new name of the establishment will be Vino Con Volo.  “We hope to be open in a month,” he said. “That’s being optimistic….”

The atmosphere inside the old farmhouse was quiet, except for the creaky old wooden stairs.


“I’m not a pilot but people in my family are pilots and the blades on the ceiling fans resemble propellers from a plane so I’m leaning towards an airplane theme for the restaurant,” said Hahn.

Hahn was most jazzed about the outdoor patio. “I’d like to create a walkway so we can pull in people from the Eisenbahn Trail,” he said. “I’d also like to add a glass elevator to make the second floor more accessible. I think that would add a really cool signature look.”


The former owner of the property, Kevin and Amy Zimmer added a note after the closing.

“It’s a bittersweet day for Amy and I as we hand over the title and ownership of the iconic Victorian building on Water Street, most commonly known as The Binkery.


This buildings future would have been mind blowing to the talented craft men’s hands that built it in the early 1900’s. It has gone from a farmhouse, survived being moved twice, and housed more laughter, fun, and good times then could be dreamt of.

It was an honor to breathe fresh life into her old bones and allow her to stand proud hopefully for 100 more years.

Treasures like this can’t be owned forever. So yet again she changes ownership and her adventures continue. We are humbled and honored to be a small chapter in her history.”

Zimmer credited Boss Realty for facilitating the transaction.

Click HERE to watch when The Binkery moved down Highway 33 to Wisconsin Street.

Remember what object could be seen in the upstairs window?

Horicon Bank

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