29.3 F
West Bend

Crash in Washington Co. involving teens

16-27574-65781-Crash PI 025

On Friday, July 29 at 10:17 p.m., the Washington County Sheriff responded to a 911 call from a resident in the 1900 block of Paradise Dr. in the Town of Trenton who reported hearing an accident near her home.

Upon the deputy’s arrival, she observed a roll-over type accident and the vehicle was still on its side about 50 feet off the roadway in a corn field.

The driver, a 16-year-old West Bend girl, told the deputy she was going over the hill at about 5-10 mph over the speed limit and swerved to miss a deer.

She suffered a laceration to her knee and above her left eye.

The male passenger, a 16-year-old from West Bend, was not injured. Enforcement action is pending.

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