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Vehicle crashes and starts on fire as driver pulled to safety in Dodge Co., WI | By Sheriff Dale Schmidt

March 4, 2024 – Dodge Co., Wi -On March 4, 2024, at approximately 11:36 a.m., Dodge County Deputies responded to a single-vehicle crash with one person injured on S Center Road in the Town of Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin.

crash Dodge County Sheriff's badge

Initial investigation shows a 2018 Ford Taurus was traveling northbound on S Center Road and entered the southbound ditch.  The vehicle struck a field drive, causing the vehicle to vault.  After the vehicle came to rest, a bystander assisted in extricating the driver to safety before the vehicle lit on fire.

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A 49-year-old man from the Town of Beaver Dam suffered what’s believed to be serious injuries because of the crash.  He was transported to Marshfield Medical Center by Beaver Dam Paramedics and later flown by UW Med Flight to Aurora Summit Hospital.

This incident is currently under investigation by the crash investigation team.  The name of the driver is being withheld pending notification of the driver’s family.

Assisting at the scene were Beaver Dam Fire/EMS, Dodge County Emergency Response Team, UW Med Flight, and 10-51 Towing.

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