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County Trunk Highway K is open | By Washington County

October 19, 2019 – Hartford, WI – Reconstruction is finished on County Trunk Highway K from State Trunk Highway 175 west to Main Street in Hartford. The road is now open to traffic.

County Trunk Hwy K

Sight distance improvements were made to the intersection of Main Street and CTH K to increase safety at the intersection. Through traffic on CTH K/Turtle Road will no longer have a stop condition.

All traffic entering the “T” intersection from the south on Main Street will be required to stop. Please stay alert for this new traffic pattern.

The Washington County Highway Department thanks you for your patience and understanding as we strive to provide a safe public transportation network that is well-maintained, accessible and enhances safe traffic flow and mobility.

This project included the improvement of turn lanes, moving of utility poles, as well as minor vertical re- alignments to improve sight distances.

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