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Could there possibly be more mosquitoes??


Sept. 12, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – A common bit of conversation everywhere seems to be about the aggressive mosquito population.

Is it just me or are we awash in mosquitoes?

Stopped at Heritage Trails County Park in Slinger and the mosquitoes were fierce.






The UW Department of Family Medicine and Community Health put up a post about what we can expect. The comment is from Jonathan Temte, MD/PhD.

“It all depends on how much rain we get and how much standing water we have. That allows for the acceleration of the population of mosquitoes. The entire life cycle for our good friend the mosquito is 8-10 days, and that’s at room temperature. As with all things insect, warmer temps tend to increase the rate at which maturity occurs, so a seasonally cool summer will delay things a bit. A warmer summer with warm surface water will accelerate the mosquito population.”

As we wait for colder temps to kill off the latest sea of mosquitoes, do you have any strategies on how you keep the mosquitoes at bay?


Photo courtesy WKBN.com


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cast iron


  1. Put up bat houses. I realize this won’t help with the immediate problem but could in the future. Plus bats need all the help they can get.

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