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West Bend

VIDEO | REAL ESTATE | West Bend Copper River Bar & Grill set to open mid-August

West Bend, WI – Copper River Bar and Grill, LLC, 111 N. Main Street, West Bend, WI has moved into the former Oaken Hogg location and is making great strides towards opening in mid-August.


Tracey Serwatt, owns the building with his wife, Rebecca. “As building owners, we are truly invested in the development of Downtown and are very excited about all the improvements the city is doing to Main Street and the riverwalk,” he said.

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“We hope to create a unique casual dining experience that has a great atmosphere and offers beautiful outdoor seating, overlooking the river.”

Copper River
Future event space at Copper River

During a tour Serwatt showed how he gutted the space and was making headway with upgrades such as an ADA compliant bathroom and more functional space with an entrance off the riverwalk. “Right after July 4th the whole west side of the riverwalk will be knocked out,” Serwatt said.

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Serwatt has partnered with local chef Katie Pozorski and plans to open the bar and grill along with an event center. Neighbors will be familiar with Pozorski as she previously worked at Wallace Lake Supper Club and Sysco.

“We will have a menu that is inspired by our local farmers market and beautiful location on the river,” said Pozorski. “While having local favorites, we will bring urban inspired options to West Bend.”


Tracey Serwatt started in the restaurant industry working at Champs, a chain restaurant in Brookfield, and then at Tunes and later Club Baja in Germantown.

Interior of Copper River – a work in progress

“The location has been completely gutted. All new plumbing, all new electrical, we’re putting a large investment into the property to open a new venue,” said Serwatt.

Another big part of the business will be the patio seating along the riverwalk. “We’ll have roughly 15 tables; it’ll be fenced in,” Serwatt said.

Serwatt and his wife said this venture along with the theme, “Copper River is something downtown West Bend really hasn’t seen before.”

Barring any supply chain shortages, Serwatt is planning to open the second week in August 2022. Stay tuned, the new menu will be released shortly.

On a history note: How many restaurants/organizations/businesses can you name that were in the lower level of 111 N. Main Street.  I’ll start: Muddy’s on Main…

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