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Warnings to end and citations begin as construction closes segment of Hwy 60 in Jackson, WI

Jackson, WI – A segment of Highway 60 is now CLOSED due to construction between Industrial Drive and Jackson Drive. Jackson Police have issued details below; please read entire post, most of the FAQs will be answered.
60 construction
The official detour route is CTH P to CTH NN to CTH G (Division Rd). If you live or work around here, you know other roads that bypass the construction too.

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 – Jackson Dr is open at the intersection with Hwy 60.
 – You may drive around barricades ONLY if you’re going to/from a businesses or home WITHIN the closed section.
Driving thru barricades for ANY other reason, such as:
 – The car in front of/behind me did.
–  I’m going to (insert location NOT within the closed section of road).
 – I didn’t know where to go.
I didn’t know the road was closed.
 – The detour said to go north, but I’m going to go south on Hwy 45.
If you’re local, you know other roads to get around on besides the official detour.
Sherman Road goes all the way around Jackson and goes to Cedarburg. Cedar Creek Road does not bypass completely around the Village.
Officers will be enforcing the road closed signs. We will also be watching the cut thru streets for speeding and vehicles not stopping at stop signs.
Chief Ryan Vossekuil said emergency vehicles will be allowed through on Hwy 60 but if the public tries to skitch through, they could be cited for failure to obey sign in a construction zone, and it rings in at $136.60.
Give yourself extra time no matter which routes you take.
For construction updates, please check out the Village’s website at Villageofjacksonwi.gov. If that does not answer your question, please email: Brian.Kober@villageofjacksonwi.gov
Jackson, WI – A segment of Highway 60 in the Village of Jackson will close for a utility upgrade starting March 6, 2023. The segment of road is set to reopen June 5, 2023.

“Between March 6, and about June 5 approximately, they’re doing the underground lateral repairs, and other utilities within that zone,” said Jackson Police Chief Ryan Vossekuil.

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The section of road repair will stretch from just east of CTH P, over the railroad, past Jackson Drive to Ridgeway Road.


Uncle Larry's Storage

The detour swings north on CTH P to NN and then east to CTH G and back south to Hwy 60.

Construction underway on a segment of Hwy 60 in Jackson

If you want to swing around south take CTH P to Sherman Road and cross to the east and then take CTH G to the north.

Traffic will only be permitted within the project limits to motorists accessing a local business or residence.

The Chief said next year will be a resurfacing project on Highway 60 between CTH P to Eagle Drive and then there will likely be a roundabout constructed at Eagle Drive which is the intersection with Piggle Wiggly and the entrance to Living Word Lutheran High School.

That will be the second roundabout within about a mile of the roundabout on CTH G to the east and the one to the west is at Highway 45.

Chief Vossekuil said emergency vehicles will be allowed through on Hwy 60 but if the public tries to skitch through, they could be cited for failure to obey sign in a construction zone, and it rings in at $136.60.

“We appreciate everyone’s patience with this project. We know it’s a headache, but it’s going to be worth it when it’s done,” he said.

Detours will be marked.

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