44.9 F
West Bend

Common Sense Citizens of Washington County to host candidate forum for races on April 2 ballot | By Bernie Newman

Washington Co., WI – The Thursday, March 28, 2019 meeting of Common Sense Citizens of Washington County is open to any candidates in Washington County who are on the April 2 ballot and would like to introduce themselves.

Common Sense Citizens of Washington County logo.

Each candidate will be given five minutes to do so. If the candidate begins to speak about their opponent their time to speak will be over.

We want to hear about you, not what you think of your opponent.

Depending on the number of candidates we will open the introductions up to questions from the audience.

The audience will be respectful to the candidates.

The meeting will be held downstairs at The West Bend Moose Lodge, 1721 Chestnut Street, in West Bend beginning at 7 p.m. and is open to the public.


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