44.2 F
West Bend

Come out to Music on Main tomorrow night for 5 Card Studs

July 5, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Tomorrow night, July 6, Music on Main will headline 5 Card Studs who will bring you 60s and 70’s Gold Hits from 6:30 to 9:30.

“Taking hit songs that made the late 60’s and 70’s great, the 5 Card Studs breathe new life into them for a new generation to get down to for years to come!

The 5 Card Studs live experience is an exciting and unique blend of what made the days of the original Superstar fantastic.  They take the moxie of an old school Vegas-style show lounge performance, the on-set celebrity hijinx from a classic TV game show, the onstage danger of classic arena rock and roll, and ALL the boogie bang of Studio 54, then mix it all together and make you realize that it truly works…and that it is DYNAMITE!”

The summer concert series is held at Old Settler’s Park in downtown West Bend and is free of charge. An alternative indoor venue is available in the case of inclement weather.

Click HERE for the full weekly lineup of entertainment.

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