35.2 F
West Bend

Come out and enjoy Enchantment in the Park at Regner Park in West Bend

Dec. 14, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Enchantment in the Park is half way through the season and it is going GREAT! If you haven’t been out yet make sure you stop and tour the fabulous light display before the New Year.

The colorful lights are absolutely beautiful, the nightly special events are highly entertaining, the horse and carriage rides are a delight, and the treats from the Senior Center are oh so tasty.

On special nights kids are roasting marshmallows over a warm fire pit.

Drive the route, park your car and come inside and enjoy a magical night at Enchantment in the Park. Suggested donation of a bag of food for Washington County Food Pantries and/or $10 cash donation per car or walking group.

Special thanks to our enthusiastic volunteer groups including Adam Wachs, Barry Kroeger, Boy Scout Troop 762, St. Frances Cabrini School, Casa Guadalupe Education Center, Debbie Guerndt, Gary Wachs, Hayden Family, Immanuel UCC Joyful Journeys, Jeff Lambie, Jon Corbett Family, Jon Schlindwein, Kat Trago and Team, Kettle Moraine Figure Skating Club, Kewaskum Tribe Girls Basketball, West Bend Kiwanis Early Risers, Make-A-Wish UWM, Menomonee Falls Rotary, MPTC Electrical Group, Partners of St. Joseph Hospital, Ric Hartman, SEEK Career/Staffing, Slinger/Allenton Rotary, Slinger High School SkillsUSA, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Youth Group, Kohls, Team Quaas, Washington County Kings, West Bend East Booster Club, West Bend East Dance Team, West Bend East Girls Basketball, West Bend East Wrestling, West Bend Fire Department, West Bend Friends of Parks and Recreation, West Bend High School Ski and Snowboard Club, West Bend High School Interact, West Bend High School Key Club, West Bend Noon Rotary, West Bend Parks and Rec Department, West Bend Sunrise Rotary, West Bend Swim Club, and West Bend West Boys Basketball.

And a special thank you to our generous sponsors including West Bend Mutual Charitable Foundation, Westbury Charitable Foundation, Legendary Whitetails, Seek Careers/Staffing, Husar’s House of Fine Diamonds, Strachota Family, Delta Defense, Free SPIRIT Riders, D & M Auto Body Inc., The Chlupp and Hall Group- Baird, West Bend Friends of Park & Recreation, Weasler Engineering, Steel Craft, Manitou Group, The Chlupp Family- Kennedy, Sydney, Heidi & Chris, Infinity EDM LLC, Dave Baldus Family, A&W Iron & Metal Inc., Johnson Family Foundation, Caroline Schultz, West Bend Lioness/Lions Club.

And our In-kind Sponsors: Tennies Ace Hardware, Unique Services, Custom Color, Washington County Insider, Outdoor Design Inc., Property Loss Management, Seek Staffing, Grafton Transit, Clear Channel, Lamar Advertising Company, OOHA/Wilkins, Albiero Plumbing, JL Business Interiors, EPIC Creative, Dock Central Corporation, Hartman Design, Aerial Work Platforms Inc., Consolidated Door, Matenaer Auto Service, Steiner Electric


Thank you all! Come on out and see us!


The Enchantment in the Park Team


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