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West Bend

Come celebrate Boltonville Rain Days, May 25 – 27


May 22, 2018 – Boltonville, WI – 101st annual Boltonville Rain Days is Friday, May 25 – Sunday, May 27.

Carnival Rides by Wenzel Amazements

*Advance wristbands are available at Marshall’s Citgo in Boltonville & Kohns Citgo & Kohns Bp in Kewaskum
Advance Wristbands $17 at event $20
Wristband times are Friday 6-10pm, Saturday & Sunday 1-5pm

* FIREWORKS at dusk!!!
Ozaukee County Jam Band from 5pm-8:30pm, in the little tent
Saving Savannah band from 9pm-1am, in the big tent

*Fire Department water fights at 3pm, at the Boltonville Pond, (located just south of the fire department on Bolton Drive)
Rudy N’ Vee band from 3:30pm-7:30pm, in the little tent
Reckless Remedy & Riding Shotgun band from 8:30pm-1am, in the big tent

*Parade on Sunday at noon
*Turkey & ham dinner on Sunday at 11am-2pm, (served in the basement of the firehouse)
Acoustic guitar music by Bob and Andy James will be playing by the New Bloody Mary Bar before the parade. 10am-12pm,
*Duck Races at 3:30pm, in the creek located by the parking lot
Pink Houses band 1pm-5:30pm, in the big tent
Goodtime Dutchman & Carol & The Keynotes band 1pm-6pm, in the little tent
Rebel Grace band 8:30pm-12:30am, in the big tent


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