Jeanne Goeden submitted her over 8-foot-tall sunflower growing next to her house in Kewaskum. Jeanne is 5-feet tall, and she used a yardstick to give perspective.
In case you missed them, these beautiful red sunflowers were submitted by Darlyn Dalton of Trenton.
Valerie Brown O’Loughlin from Dundee managed to capture her son, proud with his wee sunflower and plastic duck in hand.Joe Kaehny of Kewaskum captures a shy sunflower in the Sunflower ChallengeWendy Hofmann-Galecki of West Bend grew a mysterious giant sunflower that she never even planted. Yea!Denise Steffen, “Don’t have a tall one but I have a very, very cute one!”
The Ward family put a little Wallenda into their photo …. and with junior up top he still wasn’t tall enough to reach the head of the sunflower.
Mr. climbed atop a pair of sawhorses and still wasn’t tall enough – looks like a 10 footer. Can anybody do better in this year’s Sunflower Challenge.
The famous Amy Ajack at 5’2 and her giant heirloom sunflowers.
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