Washington Co., WI – It’s that time of year when sunflowers are in full glory. Time for Washington County to show off your sunflowers during the WashingtonCountyInsider.com 8th annual Sunflower Challenge.
Brian Dycus of Slinger submitted the image below. “I was in the right place and a little lucky. I was able to run outside, with the encouragement of my kiddos and get two photos before the butterfly flew away.”‘
Dycus was able to capture the Tiger swallowtail and the beetle in the image.
Jeanne Goeden submitted her over 8-foot-tall sunflower growing next to her house in Kewaskum. Jeanne is 5-feet tall, and she used a yardstick to give perspective.
In case you missed them, these beautiful red sunflowers were submitted by Darlyn Dalton of Trenton.

Below are some submissions from 2020.
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In 2017 WashingtonCountyInsider.com issued a challenge to neighbors to show us your sunflower.
Mr. climbed atop a pair of sawhorses and still wasn’t tall enough – looks like a 10 footer. Can anybody do better in this year’s WashingtonCountyInsider.com Sunflower Challenge.

Ah! Sunflower