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West Bend

Conklin, Schlotthauer overall winners of 9th Annual Columns 5K run event | By Michelle Hockers

August 9, 2021 – West Bend, WI – On Thursday, August 5, 2021, the 9th Annual West Bend Columns Not Just a Walk in the Park 5K Run/Walk kicked off with participants of all ages and stages at Riverside Park. Proceeds from the annual event benefit the WB COLUMNS Scholarship Foundation.

The winners in their respective categories are listed below.

“Thank you to all participants in this year’s Columns Not Just a Walk in the Park 5K. Congratulations to overall winners Tommy Conklin with a time of 16:37 and Amy Schlotthauer with a time of 19:34,” said Michelle Hockers, an attorney at Murphy & Prachthauser, who also participated in the run with her family and finished 1st in her age group.

Men’s overall 5K winner Tommy Conklin
Women’s overall 5K winner Amy Schlotthauer

Murphy & Prachthauser was proud to be one of the sponsors for the event so that money raised through registrations could help contribute to scholarships for local West Bend High School students.

The run was also sponsored by Horicon Bank.

Horicon Bank
Nick and Madeline Hockers making the 5K look easy.

Horicon Bank

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