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West Bend

Knights of Columbus to hold Good Friday initiative | By Jim Gugg

West Bend, WI – The Knights of Columbus, Fr. Casper Rehrl Council 1964, West Bend, WI, would like to invite the community to participate in an initiative planned for Friday, April 15, 2022, which is Good Friday on the Christian calendar.

Good Friday is among the most sacred days of the year for Christians because it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at Calvary on a Friday afternoon, an event that is central to the Christian teachings about salvation from sin.


This year, the Knights of Columbus are asking all merchants to close their stores on Good Friday from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Many local churches hold their Good Friday services during this time window. Closing will give you and your employees a better opportunity to attend an area church service, as well as allow time to give thanks for the sake of our redemption and to be grateful for the blessings we have been given.

Our community can become a beacon of light needed in this fallen world to give direction once again to that which is truly important. It will draw down blessings on us and our family and friends as God looks down and sees us being thankful and reverencing His Son.

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We are also asking all local priests, deacons, ministers, pastors, church, and spiritual leaders to encourage their members to refrain from all commercial activity on Good Friday afternoon and to spend some time in thanksgiving for our blessings and for the great sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf.

If you would like to participate, please contact Jim Gugg via email at jmg632019@gmail.com or leave a message on Google Voice at 262-229-9491 with your name and the name of the store.

The Knights of Columbus will provide you with a poster announcing your store hours. With your permission, the Knights of Columbus would also add the name of your store to the list of stores participating in this important event.

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