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West Bend

Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest is January 26 at Holy Angels School gym | By Seth Breunig

Washington County, WI – The Knights of Columbus Council #1964 is hosting a free throw contest for boys and girls in the West Bend area from the ages of 9 to 14 on January 26, 2025, at Holy Angels School gym, 230 N. Eighth Avenue, West Bend (enter through Eighth Avenue lobby doors).


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Gym Opens at 12:00 p.m.
9 to 11-year-old competition begins at 12:30 p.m.
Awards at approximately 1 p.m.

12 to 14-year-old competition begins at approximately 1 p.m.
Awards at approximately 1:30 p.m.

Awards at approximately 1:30 PM Open to 9-14 Year Olds, Boys and Girls
Champions in each age and gender

All contestants will take 15 free throws; ties determined by 5 shot shoot-offs Participation Certificates for All Medals for Champions chance to enter next level of competition for Archdiocese of Milwaukee; date and location to be determined….

No preregistration necessary; hoping to see a great competition from our greater West
Bend area.

Last year over 90 students participated; this year the Knights are hoping to see even more.

Participation awards for all students, and medals, and an opportunity for Archdiocesan competition for champions at each age and gender.

The Knights are asking for a $1 free-will offering from all participants to benefit Special Olympics (not mandatory).


January 29, 2024 – West Bend, WI – The Knights of Columbus hosted its second annual free throw contest at Holy Angels School, and around 60 very-impressive shooters came out for the competition.
Left to Right, Robert Hanson, Fulton Breunig, Brantley Simonis, Finley Samuel, Julia White, Reagan Lauderback
The event raised over $60 for Special Olympics.
Horicon Bank
Champions, who will have the ability to compete at the Archdiocesan level include:
9 Year Old Boys:  Brantley Simonis, 10/15, and 5/5 in the tie-break round
9 Year Old Girls:  Finley Samuel, 6/15 and a tie-break winner
10 Year Old Boys:  Fulton Breunig, 9/15
10 Year Old Girls:  Julia White, 10/15
11 Year Old Boys:  Robert Hanson, 11/15
11 Year Old Girls:  Reagan Lauderback, 9/15 and 5/5 in the tie break round
12 Year Old Boys:  Hunter Erdmann, 14/15 (wow)
12 Year Old Girls:  Emma Heinberg, 10/15
13 Year Old Boys:  Nathan Gugg, 10/15
13 Year Old Girls:  Kara Hesse, 9/15 and 8/10 in the tie-break rounds
14 Year Old Boys:  Ryan Held, 12/15
Left to Right, Ryan Held, Nathan Gugg, Hunter Erdmann, Emma Heinberg, Kara Hesse

The 2025 competition is tentatively scheduled for January 26.

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