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West Bend

Dedication of Civil War Monument in Old St. Mary’s Cemetery | By Kurt Rusch  

West Bend, WI – The Kettle Moraine Detachment of the Marine Corps League generously donated the money for a Civil War Monument to the Washington County, Remembering our Civil War Veterans Committee last year.

Civil War monument

That monument has been placed at the Old St. Mary’s Cemetery in Barton and will be dedicated at noon on May 15, 2021 by the Marine Corps League, Kettle Moraine Detachments honor guard.

Names on the monument include John A. Bauer, Joseph Berend, John Bertram, Johann Biertzer, Anton Clemens, Xavar Helzel, Jacob Liesenfelder, Joseph Meyer, Nicholas J. Mueller, Alois Ottinger, Andrew Schmidt, Peter Schmidt, John Schroeder, and Gerhard Van Bree.

The event will feature a rifle salute and the playing of taps.  The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

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