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West Bend

Civil War Memorial requested for Pilgrim Rest Cemetery in West Bend

Oct. 22, 2018 – West Bend, WI – During tonight’s, Oct. 22, meeting of the West Bend Common Council there will be a request to install a Civil War Memorial at Pilgrim Rest Cemetery on Chestnut and Summit in West Bend.

The request is coming from a group called “Remembering Our Civil War Veterans.”

The monument is sponsored by VFW Post 1393 Auxiliary.

The memorial would honor the veterans that served in the Civil War 1861-1865 and who are buried at Pilgrim Rest Cemetery.

Names on the monument include Henry Bannenberg, John Huebner, John Kahnt, Martin Lampert, John H.W. Peters, Friederich Roennbeck, Rudolph Roennbeck, Moritz Tschoepe, and Gottlieb Zeiher.

If the council approves the request a grey, granite monument would be placed on a foundation near the existing cemetery sign.

Tonight’s common council meeting gets underway at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.



There are several Civil War Memorials in Washington County.

In May 2017 a memorial to Civil War veterans was dedicated at Holy Angels Cemetery in West Bend.

In October 2017 a tribute to Civil War veterans was held as the St. Lawrence Parish Cemetery.

Hartford also has a Civil War Memorial.


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