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VIDEO | City of Hartford names new City Clerk

February 28, 2023 – Hartford, WI – The Hartford common council unanimously approved an appointment tonight, Tuesday, February 28, 2023, of a new City Clerk.

Shanna Kreilkamp of Rubicon was one of a dozen people to apply for the post. Four were interviewed by the hiring committee.


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It was January 25, 2023, when WashingtonCountyInsider.com first reported the decision by clerk Lori Hetzel to retire after 45 years on the job.


“I was 19 years old when I started in the Treasurer’s Office,” said Hetzel.

Dan Lieven was mayor of Hartford, WI at the time. Hetzel started before Tom Jones took the job as Police Chief.

“I’ve worked here longer than I’ve been married,” said Hetzel. Who also experienced several milestones including the birth of her daughter and her two grandchildren.

Hetzel’s work anniversary is May 22. Her last day will be June 1, 2023.

Kreilkamp is a Litigation Paralegal at a law firm in Hartford. She is a graduate of Winona State University and Hustisford High School.

According to the Executive Summary:

In mid-January, City Clerk Lori Hetzel announced in writing her intention of retiring from the city as of June 1, 2023. Lori has served the city in different capacities for over 45 years.

An interview panel was created including a representative of the Elections staff and the Head of the Finance and Personnel Committee.

The city received 12 applications for the position. Of those 12, four were selected to receive an interview based on varied levels of experience.

From those interviewed, the committee recommended Shanna Kreilkamp of Rubicon be offered a contingent offer. On Monday, February 27, Shanna accepted the contingent offer in writing.

Mrs. Kreilkamp is a graduate of Hustisford High School and later graduated from Winona State University in Winona, MN with a Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies. She currently works in the City of Hartford at Mattheisen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C.

Staff and the hiring committee recommends Council approve the Contingent appointment of Shanna Kreilkamp as the next City Clerk.

The appointment was unanimously approved.

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