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City of Hartford proposes lower tax rate   | By Steve Volkert

October 23, 2020 – Hartford, WI – At the Tuesday, October 27 meeting of the Hartford Common Council the annual operational budget will be presented by staff.

City of Hartford

The budget draft currently shows a slight decrease in the mill rate of $.03. The mill rate, or tax rate, is what is multiplied by your assessed value to determine the City portion of your total tax.

Thus, as the mill rate goes down and assuming your assessed value stays the same, then the City portion of your taxes would go down.

Keep in mind the City portion makes up just 32 percent of your total property tax. The rest goes to the County and Schools (local and technical college).

Once moved by the Council on Tuesday, the budget will be again available for public viewing on our website just as the draft is today.  Click HERE to view the current budget proposal.

The Hartford Common Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 10 to take any public comments on the proposed budget and resulting tax rate.

If you would like to review the draft budget, go to the City of Hartford website and look for the 2021 budget.

The first sheet is an executive summary which in one page tells you the short story of the proposed budget. See below.

City of Hartford

If you would like to voice your thoughts on the proposed budget, you are always invited to join the Commonn Council during the public hearing Tuesday, November 10 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

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