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West Bend

Statement issued regarding West Bend Christmas Parade this Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021 | By WB Police Chief Ken Meuler

West Bend, WI – Sunday, November 28, 2021, is the annual West Bend Christmas Parade. In light of what happened in neighboring Waukesha County on Sunday, November 21, 2021, the West Bend Police Department has issued a statement below.


“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families, and the entire Waukesha community from yesterday’s tragic event during their Christmas Parade.
“In light of that event, organizers from the West Bend Christmas Parade and staff from the West Bend Police Department met today to review and discuss security and logistics for the West Bend Christmas Parade scheduled for Sunday, November 28, 2021, at 5 p.m. In order to ensure all participants and spectators are safe, we will be putting additional security measures in place for Sunday’s parade in West Bend.
“Participants and spectators attending the parade may not be able to park in spots they did in the past as additional road closures will be in place. In addition, we remind citizens that each year during the Christmas Parade that Highway 33 at Seventh Avenue is closed to through traffic during the parade. There are detour routes marked on Highway 33 eastbound at N. 18th Avenue and on Highway 33 westbound on Indiana Avenue. Drivers not attending the parade should follow the detour signs as police will have the road closed at 7th Avenue until the end of the parade. No vehicles will be allowed to cross 7th Avenue.
“Parade organizers and West Bend Police ask all to allow more time to get to the parade, and to be cooperative with police and volunteers that are staffing the intersections and parade route.”
A couple other notes:

-Flags have been ordered to fly at half-staff until sunset as a mark of respect for those who lost their lives or were injured in Sunday’s incident in Waukesha.

-Senator Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) released the following statement:
“I’m struggling to find words to explain the horror of yesterday. I ask that you join me in praying for those killed and injured, as well as their families. Thank you to those who jumped into action immediately to help. No explanation will ever help us understand the evil that took the lives of innocent people. Like most of you, I’m extremely angry at the person who did this, but for now, we let law enforcement do their work and grieve together as a community over what just happened.”

-Sunday’s West Bend Christmas parade is scheduled to step off at 5 p.m. from Regner Park, march south down Main Street, turning east at Cedar Street and then south continuing down Main Street to Oak Street.

-This is the 69th year for the West Bend Christmas Parade. The theme this year is Magical, Musical Christmas.

West Bend Children's Theatre

-Keep an eye out for the West Bend Children’s Theatre float featuring characters in the upcoming performance Seussical the Musical coming April 2022.

-Watch for a live broadcast of the West Bend Christmas Parade at Washington County Insider on YouTube


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