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West Bend

Chicken success update in West Bend

December 7, 2019 – West Bend, WI – It was May 10, 2019 when a story was first posted about Joe and Mary Zaremba and their kids Tommy and Lyla becoming ‘parents’ to four chicks.

“Reggie, Yoda, Janis and ‘TBD’,” wrote Joe in an email.

Chicken license in West Bend

In January 2019 the West Bend Common Council officially voted to make chickens legal within the city limits. The Zarembas celebrated by being the first family to officially secure a license. Next came the homemade coop and then the birds.

To date, three families in West Bend are raising chickens and the Zarembas have an announcement. Joe’s update is below.
Tommy and Lyla w first egg
As promised, the day has arrived! 🙂
It’s been a lot of fun watching the chicks grow up to be chickens, each with their own personality and attitude.  Janis remains the queen of the pack, however we “think” it was Reggie who laid the first egg!  It was YUMMY!  Yoda and Joy, they’re just noisy! 🙂 We didn’t see it happen but she’s acting like another is on the way today.
We are eager to get another egg or four soon, maybe even today – I owe Chief Meuler one and he would have gotten the first if it didn’t drop and crack slightly due to the over-excitement of finally getting one!
Zaremba Chickens First Egg
It was hilarious the first time the turkeys walked through the yard and saw them – it was full stop, “what the heck or those doing there?” and tentative sneaking around them the first few times.  We’ve seen owls and hawks landing on their coop, fox and possums sniffing around, but they remain safe and very healthy!
Tommy and Lyla w first egg

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