44.2 F
West Bend

Charming Paws, LLC in West Bend is looking to expand


June 26, 2018 – West Bend, WI – A public hearing will be held tonight during the West Bend Plan Commission meeting as Ashley Skinkis, owner of Charming Paws, LLC, requests an expansion of her business.

Skinkis took over the business at 1410 Lang Street in May 2005. The Plan Commission will review a request to expand the outdoor fenced area just north of the building.


CU-18-002, public hearing for the consideration for an amendment to a conditional use permit that was approved on May 2, 2006 to expand the operations of a dog day care business, including overnight boarding at 1410 Lang St., by Ashley Skinkis, Charming Paws, LLC.
Ashley Skinkis of Charming Paws LLC has requested to amend the previous conditional use permit approved May 3, 2005 (original approval) and May 2, 2006 (one year review) for a dog day care at 1410 Lang Street.

A use determination by the Plan Commission was approved April 6, 2005 to allow dog day cares as a conditional use permit in M-1 Light Industrial District and M-2 Heavy Industrial District since the use was similar to the animal veterinary clinics & offices, animal veterinarian hospitals (provided all activities are conducted indoors), and obedience schools.

The lot is zoned M-2 Heavy Industrial District. There are no proposed building changes. The owner is proposing site changes that consist of modifying the exterior fence area by expanding the fencing to the west and north.

A letter was received from Ashley Skinkis describing the operations of the business and the request to expand the outdoor fenced area and the number of dogs allowed on site at any given time as follows:
 The hours of operation are Monday-Saturday 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
 There are three interior day care rooms for dogs based on their size, a grooming area, and suite areas for overnight stays.
 The a total of 10 suites for overnight stays are provided four, 4’x4’ suites are provided for small dogs and six 5’x5’ suites are provided for large dogs.
 The premise is under 24/7 camera monitoring to ensure the safety of the dogs.
 The 6’ tall chain link fenced outside area is proposed to be expanded to the west and north. The area is proposed to be divided into four areas for various activities.
 The owner is requesting an increase of the amount of dogs on-site from 25 as permitted by the original conditional use permit to a total of 60 at any given time this would include the 10 dogs that could stay overnight.

All owners of property within 200’ of the amendment area for the conditional use permit were notified of the public hearing and as of this date staff has not received any comments or concerns.

Recommend approval of the conditional use permit with the following conditions:
1. All operations of the business shall be in compliance with the operations letter provided by the owner.
2. The hours of operation for customer service shall not exceed Monday-Saturday 6:00 am to 7:00 pm.
3. No more than 60 dogs (including those that stay overnight) shall be in the day care at any given time.
4. All dogs shall be supervised at all times and no dogs shall be left outdoors unattended at any time.
5. Outdoor dog waste shall be collected at least once per day and shall be stored in a manner to prevent odor.
6. All fencing shall be installed in accordance with the approved site plan.
7. All outdoor storage shall be adequately screened with landscaping and\or fencing.
pc: Ashley Skinkis, Charming Paws, LLC

Tonight’s Plan Commission meeting begins at 6 p.m. at West Bend City Hall.

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