July 25, 2022 – New Holstein, WI – I met Ty Bodden a year and a half ago. Since then, I’ve come to see in him, one of the best young men that I’ve ever been privileged to be acquainted with, and I’ve known many men over my considerable years who would do well to try to match his character!
One could use the Boy Scouts “Law” and it’s 12 Goals, (seldom seen references when referring to the character of many politicians or candidates), to describe him, but Ty actually outshines each of them in many ways.
Having been able to serve with him in the Republican Party of Calumet County, Ty has helped us all to accomplish wonderful things, and his intelligent and informed direction has always been ruled by his calm demeanor, fairness, concern for all others and strong Christian values. I can only see great benefit for all who live and work in Assembly District 59 with Ty as their newest Assemblyman. Once you get to know him, you will have found a new and very good friend!
In just a year and a half, I found Ty to possess a constant sense of decency, courtesy, and desire to represent the people. Ty honors the value of transparency in everything he does, from his own history and private life to his interactions with our Calumet County Republican party and the public in general, and of course with this election! He will hold nothing back from any of we members, nor with the public. He constantly welcomes the “other side”, to feel free to join our monthly meetings and listening sessions and encourages their input.
Ty declared that he is a supporter of term limits and that while serving, will give it his all and work hard to eliminate the disconnect between the public and politicians. He will be the true voice of We the People once elected, with genuine concern and a strong sense of duty, Ty will represent everyone in the 59th District with every effort humanly possible! He will work hard to create needed laws to protect our citizens that will have actual consequences. With Ty, we taxpayers will get our money’s worth!
Ty’s character consists of strong Christian morals, devoted and dedicated family man to his wife and two daughters, hard-working public servant in his community, and that he has the heart of a true patriot with deep care and concern about the people of our state and country, and it’s future. His concern has taken him to this election where his win will allow him to work for the people, represent we citizens and become our voice in State government where many haven’t had a voice before. I’m very confident that he, as the best and most qualified candidate, will win!
Tom De Troye
New Holstein
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