32.6 F
West Bend

Change in landscape on S. Main Street

photo 2-17



A new sign photo 1-24is now in place at 906 S. Main Street. Domino’s Pizza has been going through an extensive remodel and the new sign is the latest addition.

Longtime West Benders are familiar with the history of the building which used to be home to Burger Hut. But, can you name an item or two from the old menu or describe what the interior used to look like?


Bonus points to anyone who can layout the family ties to another former family business just down the street.



  1. Nancy Mehring, who owned the Dairy Queens with her husband Jerry is a sister to Gary Furger, who owned this place as “Burger Hut”.

  2. There was a Middle Eastern fare restaurant and a donut shop in that building before Domino’s. I can’t remember the names.

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