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VIDEO | A tribute to veterans at St. Peter Cemetery in Slinger

October 20, 2020 – Slinger, WI – A tribute to veterans in Washington County as silhouettes of soldiers from past wars are put in place at St. Peter Cemetery in Slinger.

Five silhouettes of veterans now stand at St. Peter Cemetery.

Rex Melius, also known as The Cemeterian, is the one behind the effort.

Veteran Silhouette

“I saw an article where this town in England volunteered for WWI and how many of them were killed and so to honor them they had this silhouette and I thought this would be a great way to honor our vets,” said Melius.

On a crisp Friday morning Melius and a handful of volunteers put the materials together.

The silhouettes were created by Weld Fab Manufacturing in Slinger and Kettle Moraine Coatings in Jackson powder coated them.

Horicon Bank

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