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West Bend

Celebrating the 3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday | By Rev. Kevin Harmon of St. Frances Cabrini

December 11, 2022 – West Bend, Wi – We have now reached Gaudete Sunday. Many people recognize it because the priest wears rose instead of purple. Gaudete in Latin means rejoiceand references the entrance antiphon which comes from Pauls letter to the Philippians and says, Rejoice (Gaudete) in the Lord Always.
“Rejoice (Gaudete) in the Lord Always.”
Indeed, rejoicing and the theme of joy permeate all the readings this Sunday. We are rejoicing because Christmas is drawing near. Similarly, the reason for wearing rose is also to signify that Christ is drawing near.
Rose is a midway point between the color purple, which we have been wearing, and white, which we will wear at Christmas. The rose shows that the light of Christ is beginning to dawn in the world.

In light of these two themes, I think it is worth asking ourselves a very simple question: where do we find joy and rejoicing? Early on, after my conversion, I used to reflect upon St. Augustines advice to converts. He used to say that one should delight in God and in holy things as much as they once delighted in sin. Ultimately, on this side of heaven, our greatest rejoicing should come from the Eucharist. At Christmas we rejoice in the fact that our Lord took flesh and dwelt among us. Now, our Lord comes to dwell among us in the blessed Sacrament. At Christmas, the Lord hid his divinity beneath his humanity. Now, he hides both his divinity and his humanity beneath the appearances of bread and wine.
Nevertheless, the eyes of faith, which allowed the disciples to see Christs divinity, allow us to see Jesus under the appearance of bread and wine. Thus, every time that we walk into the adoration chapel or into a Church it is as if we have entered the stable at Bethlehem to adore the Lord. In this way, we become like the Magi who traveled from afar to come and visit the Lord.
We can imagine that the Magi received peace, joy, consolation, and other gifts of grace
because they visited the Lord and because God is never outdone in generosity. Similarly, those who visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament can be assured of peace, joy, consolation, and an abundance of spiritual gifts. Therefore, come this advent season, let us adore him.

Hoping to join Rev. Nathan for Mass before he leaves for his new assignment?
Here is a list of Masses he will be presiding at this week …
Tuesday, December 13; 8am at SFC
Wednesday, December 14; 6:15am at SMIC

Thursday, December 15; 8am at SFC

Friday, December 16; 6:15am at SMIC

Saturday, December 17; 4:30pm at SFC

Sunday, December 18; 7:30am, 9:30am at SMIC

Sunday, January 8 after the 10:30 a.m. Mass in Mother Cabrini Hall

A light brunch will be offered.

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