28.1 F
West Bend

Celebrating a safe and FUN homecoming!


There’s been a buzz in the community this week about the great turnout for homecoming activities at the West Bend High Schools.

Props were given for solid participation in the parade, the pep rally, the football game and the homecoming dance.

Michelle Spettel submitted this letter to the editor echoing similar thoughts.

I grew up in a town where homecoming was between two neighboring communities. Things happened during the week prior that were destructive and mean spirited.

I love that in West Bend the schools have a friendly competition, then end the week of activities with a game against each other and a dance with both schools together.

It is a unique homecoming experience that we as a community can be proud of.

My daughter Lydia had a great time this year at homecoming.

She said that the school spirit was amazing; from the participation on dress up days, a pep rally that was full of high energy, the increased number of floats in the parade, to the spirit activities at the game.

It was fun and it was done together.

In talking to other parents I have heard the same comments many times.

Attendance was up, people were having fun, and being respectful. What a great year we are having!

Michelle Spettel

On a side note:

-WB homecoming parade had 44 entries this year and awards went to: 1st West Soccer, 2nd East Volleyball, 3rd Lunch Ladies.

-Estimated 4,000 people in attendance at the WBE vs. WBW football game, including Bartolotta Fireworks.

-Dance was attended by over 1,300 students – more then half of the student body!

Photo courtesy WBHS

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