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West Bend

Cedar Community purchases robotic pets thanks to generous donor support | By Carrie Sturn

September 4, 2023 – Washington County, WI – Cedar Community, with the generous support of donors and the diligent work of their team, recently invested in new and updated easy-to-use, life-enriching items for their memory care residents.
Each of the three memory care neighborhoods at The Cottages on the Cedar Run Campus was able to purchase two robotic cats, a robotic dog, and pet beds. These have proven to be soothing and highly enjoyed by many residents with validated outcomes for their unique ability to engage, provide companionship, calm, soothe, and further promote happiness.



Other items purchased include two lifelike baby dolls and doll supplies; updated laundry and linens, which are highly successful as an intervention and provide residents with a sense of accomplishment and purpose;  “busy baskets”  including new games, puzzles, fidget devices, reusable water painting supplies, word searches, matching games, word finding games, and  Koosh bocce ball, and weighted blankets and sun lamps that will assist residents struggling with seasonal changes or increased anxiety. All items are openly displayed in resident areas, providing easy access for engagement. Team members are encouraging input from residents for pet names. 

Lindsey Sauer, RN, BSN, The Cottages Administrator, is extremely grateful for the generosity of their donors–helping to continually enrich the lives of residents. “Cedar Community is truly blessed to have so many amazing and generous donors who support the work we do each and every day to make the best life possible for our residents. These newly purchased items are key factors for resident mood, mind, and also fall prevention.”

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